Rajinder S. Ranu
Colorado State University
Professor Rajinder S. Ranu received his DVM from Panjab University, India and a M.S. & Ph.D in Microbiology from University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia USA. After a Special Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Biochemistry Department at The University of Chicago School of Medicine, he moved to Cambridge as a member of the Harvard University-Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Program in Health Sciences and Technology at MIT. After five years, he then moved to Colorado State University as a faculty member (Associate Professor, Professor and Professor Emeritus) of Cell & Molecular Biology/Genetics/Microbiology/Plant Pathology. He has extensively published on Molecular Biology of protein synthesis/translational regulation of gene expression/gene cloning/DNA sequencing/genomics in prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. His publications record represent the best: from eleven papers in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and others in Nature, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Journal of Bacteriology, Journal of General of General Microbiology etc. Through citation analysis, The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), Philadelphia has determined that ‘Dr. Ranu’s work is highly cited and important to the concept’; some of his work now forms a part of the text books of Biochemistry/Molecular Biology/Genetics/Cell Biology.
Research Interest
Cell & Molecular Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Plant Pathology