Alexander Rapoport
Professor, Head (Biotechnology)
University of Latvia
Alexander Rapoport graduated Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia. The degree of PhD in Biology got at the Latvian Academy of Sciences, degree of DSc in Biology at Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of USSR (Moscow), degree of Dr. hab. biol. at Latvian Council of Science. He is Corresponding Member of Latvian Academy of Sciences. Alexander Rapoport worked at Institute of Microbiology, Latvian Academy of Science and now works at the Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, University of Latvia. He is the Head of the Laboratory of Cell Biology. Professor of Microbiology and Biotechnology at University of Latvia. He has published about 210 papers. Main directions of his investigations are linked with physiology, cytology, biochemistry and biotechnology of microorganisms, dehydration and other stress treatments upon microorganisms and especially yeasts. He has revealed the main changes which take place in the cells at their transfer into the state of anhydrobiosis, the main factors which are important for the maintenance of viability of cells, a number of earlier unknown intracellular protective reactions.
Research Interest
Microbiology and Biotechnology