Helena Bujdakova
Head of Department; Vice President of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology
Comenius University
Slovak Republic
Assoc. Prof. Helena Bujdáková, is the head of the Department of Microbiology and Virology, Faculty Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic. She is a specialist in medical microbiology. She has had experiences with a management of national projects, but also with those bilateral ones with Austria, Armenia and Ukraine. She was a partner of the consortium in the project CanTrain Marie Curie Research Training Network (FP6) funded by EU. She got Fulbright and JSPS scholarships for research / teaching stays in USA and Japan.
She is also Vice President of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology, the bilateral organization joining Slovak and Czech microbiologists. She has been a member of the Group for teaching Microbiology in Europe, established at FEMS (Federation of European Microbiological Societies). Regularly she gave invited lectures at national and international conferences and congresses. In this very challenging and competitive science discipline, she published more than 60 reviewed articles indexed in Web of Sciences that have been cited more than 450 times.
Research Interest
she has worked in various topics dealing with microbial biofilms, especially, aimed at yeasts from the genus Candida.She has also been actively involved in the consortium COST Action iPROMEDAI TD1305 (Improved Protection of Medical Devices, 2014-2018).